Yesterday was Nixon's 11 month old Birthday. I know I sound like a broken record here but I truly CANNOT believe how fast this little boy has grown. It feels like yesterday I was swaddling him and was actually able to get things done. Now my day consists of chasing him around the house while he crawls around yelling "DAH!!" (dog) at any sign of something furry or soft. I love this stage he is in now. He is more and more aware of his surroundings and really tries hard to figure things out. One of his favorite things to do is find two objects similar in size and shape and hits them together to see what kind of sound they make. His kisses are the best thing in this world. Though you will most likely end up with a face covered in slobber, he always seems to make his way over to me at any given moment and lay one on me. I love it. He also LOVES music. He starts "dancing" the second music comes on. I can't help but laugh and dance along with him.
This little boy will be 1 next month and it makes me sad and thrilled at the same time. He's growing up. He is starting to show characteristics of me and Colby and it's the most amazing thing being this boy's mama.
He reached 2 new milestones yesterday.
1. He took 4 steps!!
2. He mastered the "shoulder shrug" dance move. Cutest thing ever.
SUCH a cutie!! it's crazy how quickly they change and how fast time flies. i feel like it was just yesterday that emmett was turning one.